Eyeless Jase

{{NSFW}}Hello, my name is Bitch. I'm here to tell you guys about a blow-up doll I had. I don't know if it was fuckin' sexy or whatever the fuck words people use to describe sex phenomena, but after that ''thing'' visited me, I believe in that hot trash, now.
A week after I moved in with my fuckbuddy, Edwin, after my dick grew 5 1/2 inches by using GroFast for only 4 days, and all I had to do was call 666-666-6666. It wasn't just a fancy number, it was real. I finished jacking off. Edwin liked the idea of me having anal with him, since we had not fucked or sucked each other after 10 centuries, so I was hard, too. I soon fell asleep after I orgasmed (came) over 9000 times. After that 1 week of hard-earned masturbation, I heard moaning coming from outside at about one in the morning. I thought it was a walking dildo, so I ignored and tried to fall asleep. The next morning, I told Edwin about it, and he moaned..
The next night, however, I thought I heard my dick making a clanky sound when I fapped, as if I used a chastity belt. I darted up and looked around my room with my 7 inch dick hanging out, but it attracted nothing. Defeated and exhausted from having rough hard-core anal, I laid down, but not before I made an ad for GroFast. The next morning, Edwin moaned vigorously and head-bashed my cock when he seen it was obviously sticking out.
After I was rushed to the dungeon, my doctor told me that I must have been sleepejaculating, but then he did some-thing to me that made me orgasm. He lifted up my shirt and began roughly pinching my nipples to check if my erection was caused by that. I eventually came in his eyes. "You somehow lost your left testicle last night. We don't know how, though. Sorry, Bitch. Pece." my doctor told me.
The next night was my breaking point. No, literally, my dick broke. Around midnight, I woke up to see a truly smexy sight. I was staring face to face with a creature with a huge plastic penis and gigantic, plush bewbs staring down at me. The thing that turned me on the most was that it had no eyes. Just empty, black sockets. The creature also had some white substance dripping from it's sockets. I immediately licked the substance, and I could tell it was semen. I grabbed the camera nearby on a mantel and took a picture. After the picture took, the thing lunged at me, unzipping my pants and trying to furiously jack me off. I stopped it by giving it a rusty trombone. As I ran out of my room, I grabbed my dick. I would need some more GroFast. I ran out of my fuckbuddy's house into the night. I eventually ended up in the woods near Edwin's house and fapped as hard as I ever could on a rock.
I fell unconscious and woke up in the hospital. My doctor entered the room. The same one who pinched my nipples before. "I have good news and bad news, Bitch." my doctor started. "The good news is that your broken dick has healed, and your siblings will pick you up." I moaned with relief. "The bad news is that your fuckbuddy has been killed by a plastic dildo. Sorry. Pece."
My siblings took me back to Edwin's house to collect my remaining dildos and chastity belts, which I did. Upon entering my room, I was seriously turned on, but resisted the urge to fap. I grabbed my camera then stopped dead in my tracks. In the hallway leading to my room, I saw Edwin's nekkid body and something huge lying next to it. I picked up the huge thing and entered my siblings' car, not mentioning my huge boner and Edwin's nekkid body. I looked at the thing I had picked up and nearly choked on it. I was holding a plastic dildo, with some white substance on it.
It was semen. I licked it.